The Finite Group is committed to protecting the health and safety of all its workers, whether they are employees/contractors working internally for the Finite Group or employees/contractors/consultants working externally providing services to Finite Group clients. To achieve this, the Finite Group has developed a WHS management system (including policies and procedures) that is integrated with its organisational activities. The Finite Group will take all reasonable and practical steps to improve work safety conditions and promote WHS best practice.
The Finite Group requires its host clients to provide a safe workplace for all its workers assigned to external client worksites. The Finite Group also requires its workers to work safely and to consider the health and safety of other people who may be affected by their actions.
Finite Group is committed to:
complying with all WHS laws, regulations and standards for all its workers;
maintaining its own WHS policies, procedures and resources and ensuring best practice in WHS;
requiring host clients to ensure that their worksites are WHS-compliant and that they provide a safe working environment for Finite Group workers;
ensuring all Finite Group workers complete online WHS training modules that include information about WHS risks and safe work practices;
ensuring all workers complete a site-specific safety induction explaining how to perform their specific duties safely, avoid site-specific risks/hazards and utilise any relevant safety measures/equipment;
ensuring all workers are aware of their responsibilities for their own health and safety and for others around them, including requiring workers to conduct an ergonomic assessment of their workstation.
ensuring all Finite Group Account Managers are aware of the Finite Group’s WHS obligations regarding their external workers/contractors, and provide assistance and support to workers/contractors in relation to WHS-related matters;
actively responding to and investigating all incidents, effectively managing workers’ compensation claims and ensuring injured workers are returned to suitable work at the earliest opportunity;
monitoring and reviewing safety performance and management of safety issues at regular Safety Group meetings;
maintaining organisational structures to support and communicate effective WHS practices throughout the business (including regular reporting to managers regarding WHS matters); and
planning to improve WHS performance, including encouraging consultation with workers and clients to develop and promote WHS best practice.
For reporting of WHS incidents/issues/concerns or for WHS comments/questions/feedback, contact - June 2021